Technical Difficulties & What To Do About Them
Credit: JD Leroy
We're not perfect!
As an organization that relies on several different systems to make our trip registrations possible, we run into technical difficulties from time to time.
What should you do if you run into a problem while signing up?
You can contact us through our contact form, e-mail, or Facebook if you have any technical difficulties. Rest assured that even if you don't get an immediate reply, our VP of External Membership sees all of these messages as soon as they come in and are conveying them to our tech team to troubleshoot right away! Our entire P-Board makes itself available for troubleshooting at the time of every trip wave sign up and they work really hard to fix these problems as asap as possible.
Keep trying if possible (never underestimate the power of refreshing a page one more time), because chances are that either we'll be able to resolve it quickly or we'll issue an announcement that there's a larger issue that may require more time to address.
A technical problem prevented me from signing up, but then the trip filled before I could get a spot!
We know how much it sucks when a technical error holds you back from getting a spot on a trip you're really excited about and we understand your frustration. Sign up for the waitlist as soon as you can, or see if any other trips still have open spots. We're able to offer spots from cancellations to our waitlists pretty often, so it's likely you may be offered a chance to come as the date of the trip approaches!
What we're doing about this:
One big reason we switched from Wordpress to Squarespace in January 2018 was to improve our website experience for our participants and prevent some of the major technical crises we went through as our organization was established. We're always working to improve and innovate so we can provide the best possible service to you and have trip waves that run as smooth as buttah, especially our VP of Technology and their tech team. Your feedback helps us improve and we'd love to connect with you about your experiences with our website or registration system!