Catherine Atkinson
Catherine is a sophomore from London, England dedicated to peanut butter and the art of tea drinking. Her love for the outdoors began with weekly Sunday hikes in the grassy knolls of England, followed by a roast (the meal) at the local pub. Whether it was the hike or subsequent Yorkshire puddings that made young Catherine so passionate about the outdoors we cannot say, but she has jibed with Terra Mater ever since. Two summers ago, Catherine joined the big leagues and completed a month-long NOLS mountaineering expedition where she ate lots of rice and beans and peaked some pretty hefty peaks. After this experience, she decided she was going to be a peaker for life and spent last summer in South East Asia and Switzerland getting her peak on. She is a Political Science major with two minors in Environmental Studies and Theatre and is surprisingly good at making paper snowflakes. Talk to her about hammocking, podcasts, the surprising excellence of EVK grilled potato slices, or why she owns 10 out of the 11 Men's Journal's "Products to Help a You Get A Better Night's Sleep."