Oscar Li

Oscar is a green Grouch that lives in a trashcan who has a worm named Slimey as his best friend. Oscar is also apparently a health insurance company. But AWKSCAR (@oscarwinsanoscar <- heh, Oscar Li) is a short and senior from Cupertino. Yes, that’s the place where your iPhone’s weather app is set to at default. He is studying Biological Sciences with a lil minor in 3D Animation while on that premed grind... Some of his friends have described him as sarcasm with a side of salt. Besides cool rocks, he also collects L’s on a regular basis. Some of his greatest accomplishments include making really disgusted faces quite frequently, dabbing during cringey moments, some incredible adventures through Boy Scouts, and the permanent bump on his forehead that you should definitely ask about if you see him!

Follow Oscar on Instagram.

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