Ever wondered what it’s like to be a professional tennis star or a professor of history? How about accomplishing both those feats in a single lifetime? Look no further because Prof. Karin Huebner is about to reveal her secrets exclusively to you! She captained the women’s tennis team at UCLA to an NCAA championship and then turned pro soon after. She later realized that she had picked the wrong LA school so she decided to make amends by pledging allegiance to the Trojans as a PhD student in history. She stayed on to become a professor of history and the director of the Harman Academy. Come learn about how she has woven these aspects of her life together and what she hopes to do in the future!
PROFESSOR: Karin Huebner
DEPARTMENT: Sidney Harman Academy for Polymathic Study
Fun fact: Dr. Huebner has precisely two stickers on her laptop - and they’re both from Peaks and Professors!
LEAD: Tejas Ramdas
Contact NAME: tramdas@usc.edu
Read Tejas' bio here.