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Bring your BEST dance moves to this chill 3.5 mile hike with Professor G from the dance department! Specializing in Hip Hop, Dance Theory, and Improvisation, Professor G is the person you want to talk to if you need a move that’ll impress everyone at your next party. And what better place than under a 40 FOOT WATERFALL to have a dance off of a lifetime.
hiking boots/ athletic shoes
a light snack if you want one
clothes that might get wet!
PROFESSOR: d. Sabela Grimes
RATE MY PROFESSOR: "By far one of the most amazing and kind people I have ever met. I originally took this class just because it was a double credit GE, but it, later on became my favorite class due to this professor. He cares about his students more than anyone I have ever had and is so helpful and understanding to all students. HIGHLY HIGHLY recommend this class!!!”
d. Sabela grimes, a 2014 United States Artists Rockefeller Fellow, is a choreographer, writer, composer and educator whose interdisciplinary performance work and pedagogical approach reveal a vested interest in the physical and meta-physical efficacies of Afro-Diasporic cultural practices. Described by the Los Angeles Times as “the Los Angeles dance world’s best-kept secret” and as “one of a mere handful of artists who make up the vanguard of hip-hop fusion,” Grimes is considered one of the most imaginative and innovative artists in his field. His AfroFuturistic dance theater projects like World War WhatEver, 40 Acres & A Microchip, BulletProof Deli, and ELECTROGYNOUS, consider invisibilized histories and grapple with constructed notions of masculinity and manhood while conceiving a womynist consciousness. He created and continues to cultivate a movement system called Funkamentals that focuses on the methodical dance training and community building elements evident in Black vernacular and Street dance forms. Previously, Grimes co-authored and performed as a principal dancer in Rennie Harris Puremovement’s award-winning Rome & Jewels. He received a BA in English and MFA in dance and choreography from the University of California, Los Angeles.
PEAK: Eaton Canyon Falls
SCENERY: Views of the San Gabriel Mountains, a 40 foot waterfall, and wildflowers!
FUN FACT: John Muir once described the waterfall as "a charming little thing, with a low, sweet voice, singing like a bird, as it pours from a notch in a short ledge, some thirty or forty feet into a round mirror-pool."