Jasmine Hassan

In the land of scholars, where knowledge is both sword and shield, there dwelleth a fair maiden named Jasmine, a sophomore in the grand halls of USC, where she doth study the ancient arts of Business Administration. Hailing from a distant isle in the misty seas of Malaysia—a realm teeming with verdant jungles and the vicious, blood-thirsty winged beasts known as mosquitoes—her heart was long ago claimed by the outdoors. A wanderer of lands, she finds solace beneath the watchful gaze of the stars or braving trials of survivalism alongside her fellow wayfarers. When not in the company of Peaks and their noble quests, she may be found bartering at the bustling markets of farmers, crafting grand citadels in a realm of pixel and stone (aka Minecraft), or seeking forgotten treasures in the aisles of Goodwill. Speak to her, if ye dare, of USC fun facts, the dark tales of true crime, or the recommendations of movies and feast—for none cook-eth a finer soup or a more splendid dish of rice than she.

Weezy Dai6, 2027