This 9 mile hike takes us though shady pine forest to the stunning views at the 9,399 ft summit of Mt. Baden-Powell, named for the founder of the Boy Scouts.
Badge for following part of the PCT? Check.
Badge for climbing the oldest limber pine in the san gabriel mountains (a tree named Wally Waldron)? You betcha.
Participation badge? Yeah, you tried!
Fire starting badge? Please dear lord no.
It's gonna be rad, scout's honor.
PEAK: Mt. Baden-Powell
9 miles of fun!
SCENERY: Views are outta this world.
FUN FACT: This trail is actually a section of the Pacific Crest Trail, the 2,600 mile thru hike!
PROFESSOR: Darren Ruddell
DEPARTMENT: Spatial Sciences Institute
RATE MY PROFESSOR: "Overall great professor"
Darren teaches Geographic Information Science (GIS) in the Geodesign major as well as for the GIS & Technology online program. He received his PhD from Arizona State University and currently researches sustainable city issues through geospatial technologies.
She's no boy scout but she can still tie some knots.
Contact Beyonce:
Vincent Gap, California 93563