Take advantage of the long weekend and come enjoy an inspiring hike over the Pacific with an equally inspiring USC professor! Los Liones Trail winds through Topanga State Park before reaching the iconic Parker Mesa Overlook that delivers spectacular views of Santa Monica and the coast. Be prepared to find yourself intrigued and moved by Adlai Wertman's stories of social entrepeneurship and leadership. Rumor has it there may even be post-hike doughnuts at Professor Wertman's house!
Peak: Los Liones Trail at Topanga State Park
Difficulty: 1/5
Scenery: Breathtaking vistas of Santa Monica Bay and, if we're lucky, Catalina Island!
Fun Fact: Topanga State Park is located entirely within the city of LA and is considered the world's largest wildland within a major city!
Professor: Adlai Wertman
Department: Social Entrepreneurship
Faculty Page: Here
RateMyProfessors: "If you are lucky enough to know Adlai Wertman, you are lucky. He has changed my life in so many ways... I am so grateful for him and his mentorship. He goes beyond being a professor. He is inspirational."
After spending time in the world of investment banking, Adlai Wertman switched to the non-profit side of business endeavors. He's changed the lives of homeless in LA during his time as CEO of the non-profit Chrysalis. Professor Wertman's story can remind us that helping others is a priceless experience.
Trip Lead: Ben Watkins
Contact: bwatkins@usc.edu
Read Ben's bio here.
Address: 580 Los Liones Drive, Pacific Palisades, CA 90272