Signups for participants are closed, drivers are still open.
If you’re looking to start your Sunday morning off with a relaxing stroll around a large(ish) body of water then join us for a 3.3 mile, 150 foot elevation gain hike around the Hollywood Reservoir with professors Kate Levin and Nik De Dominic from the Writing department! Enjoy greenery after the recent rains and a great view of the Hollywood sign. These amazing professors are also co-directors for the USC Prison Education Project (PEP), the largest chapter of the overall Prison Education Project program! If you’re already a TA, this is a great way to meet the people in charge of this amazing organization and if you' haven’t heard of the club then come out to learn how you can get involved!
Read more about USC Prison Education Project below!
The USC Dornsife Prison Education Project (USC-PEP) creates the opportunity for USC and incarcerated students to learn from each other in a rigorous and collaborative learning environment across a variety of academic disciplines. Through USC-PEP, USC students and faculty design, teach and participate in classes with people incarcerated in the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation system. The organization also sponsors national writing competitions for systems-impacted people and runs the Readers' Circle, which pairs incarcerated writers with volunter reader-editors at USC. For more information or to get involved, follow @uscpep and @uscpepreaders!
Sunscreen + a hat if you want one
hiking shoes or sneakers
Snacks if you’d like them
Kate Levin holds an MFA in Creative Writing from the University of Michigan. Her work has appeared in the New York Times, the Boston Globe, The Nation, Paris Review Daily, Brain, Child, and elsewhere. Her piece "Resting Place," originally published by River Teeth, is the winner of a Pushcart Prize. She has taught writing at the University of Michigan and currently teaches at the University of Southern California, where she is Faculty Co-Director of the USC Dornsife Prison Education Project. Born in New York City and raised in New Jersey, she lives in Los Angeles.
Nik de Dominic is the author of the poetry collection Goodbye Wolf and the chapbook Your Daily Horoscope. His work has appeared in DIAGRAM, Harpur Palate, Exquisite Corpse, The Los Angeles Review, Drunken Boat, Sonora Review, and elsewhere. He is a graduate of the University of Southern California and the University of Alabama. He is a founding editor of The Offending Adam: A Journal of Poetics and the poetry editor of New Orleans Review. De Dominic lives in Los Angeles, CA, co-founded and co-directs the Dornsife Prison Education Project at the University of Southern California, and teaches in USC's Writing Program.
PEAK: Lake Hollywood Reservoir Loop
SCENERY: views of the hollywood sign!
FUN FACT: The reservoir was built in 1924 to provide emergency water to the city of Los Angeles.
is wearing a duck hunting hat in this picture, but loves ducks
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