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Join us on this 9.5-mile out-and-back trail in the San Gabriel Mountains with Professor Gabriel Uzquiano! We will traverse through several stream crossings and witness the canyons in the Sheep Mountain Wilderness. We’ll also have the opportunity to hear about Professor Uqzuiano’s work in metaphysics and philosophical logic!
H20 (lots of it)
Comfortable shoes
Hat + SPF
Gabriel Uzquiano is a professor in the Philosophy department with interests in logic and metaphysics, and, more specifically, on applications of logic for the study of thought and language. His interests are reflected in the courses he teaches at USC such as “The Ways of Paradox,” which explores a variety of puzzles in science, mathematics and philosophy. Uzquiano is known for sometimes spending an inordinate amount of time on a good logic riddle which happened when he wrote “How to solve the hardest logic problem ever in two question?”.