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Get hyped for this 5 mile hike at Tuna Canyon Park with the king of biological statistics himself, Professor Peter Calabrese. That’s 1 mile for every star that Professor Calabrese has on Rate My Professor (Yup… he’s that good). Enjoy some beautiful coastal views and some wildflowers as we hike on this fine Saturday morning.
Athletic shoes/ Hiking shoes
Light jacket (it might get windy)
WATER!!!!! (At least 2 liters)
snacks if you’d like
DEPARTMENT: Quantitative and Computational Biology
Professor Peter Calabrese is an Associate Professor in Quantitative and Computational Biology at the University of Southern California and the Director of Undergraduate Studies for Quantitative Biology. Feel free to talk to him about the probability that a couple who are both carriers for albinism will have exactly 3 children out of 100… or if that isn’t your thing then that’s fine too. He’s also very well versed in R (the program, not the letter unfortunately) if you’re interested in computational biology or mathematical modeling.
PEAK: Tuna Canyon Park
If you’re sick and tired of the tall buildings in Downtown LA, join us for some fresh air near the coast.
SCENERY: You’ll be able to see the Pacific Ocean for all/most of the hike + there should be some greenery this time of the year. That means cute lil wildflowers :)
FUN FACT: Tuna Creek, one of the most pristine aquatic habitats in the Santa Monica Mountains, courses through the eastern end of the property to the ocean.
TRIP LEAD: Aditi Jagannathan
Ask her about how she’s trying to only read books by POC authors in 2022 (and for recommendations!)
Contact Aditi:
Read Aditi’s bio here.