Was your New Years resolution to avoid dessert? Replace it with a healthy dose of desert! Join Peaks & Professors as we embark on an amazing trip to Mojave National Preserve and Kelso Dunes with biokinesiology whiz Jason Kutch. Commonly mixed up with the after-dinner treat (yikes, I know that was bad pls still come on a trip with me), deserts are one of California's hidden wonders and our weekend will be legendary. Join us as spend the night at Sunrise Rocks, hike Tetunia and watch the sun set from Kelso Dunes before we run full-speed down the sand mountains. We'll be car-camping for two nights so hikers/outdoorspeople of all levels are encouraged to sign up - this will be an amazing trip to help you achieve your resolution of getting outdoors more. HUZZAH!
Packing List:
Hiking/athletic shoes
Athletic clothing (shorts, shirt, etc)
Raincoat (you never know!)
Extra layers (for the cold desert evening ~ 30 degrees)
Sleeping bag
Sleeping pad
Tent (if you have one)
Mess kit
Lots of water (3L minimum)
Sunscreen, hat, sunglasses
Camera (optional)
Sense of adventure (mandatory)
3 dad jokes (also mandatory)
Snacks you may want
We Will Provide:
Saturday - breakfast, lunch, dinner
Sunday - breakfast, lunch
Extra H20
Endless supply of puns & dad jokes
Peak: Mojave Desert
Difficulty: 2 - car camping and moderate hikes.
Scenery: Mojave Desert is the driest desert in the world and decorated with rocky mountains, sandy dunes and beautiful Joshua trees. Truly a gorgeous sight.
Fun Fact: The Kelso Dunes are known for the phenomenon called the singing sand or the "booming dunes" - also known as alien farts.
Professor: Jason Kutch
Jason Kutch is an Research Assistant Professor of Biomedical Engineering at USC and has an outdoors record to match his research record. An avid participant in slack-lining, hiking and rock-climbing, he is the veteran of two ambitious and wildly successful Peaks trips (Tahquitz Peak and Cottonwood Lakes). He even solo-climbed Mount Baldy in the depths of a snowy winter! What a guy!
Trip Lead: Peter Bergmann
Peanut Butter Peter Bergmann
Sign Ups: 1/21/18 @ 9pm
Included: Stickers!
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