Join on us on this beautiful day hike close to campus! Scenery will include views looking West over the Pacific Ocean and Pacific Palisades. Should be a great way to get out and enjoy some sunshine as it finally warms up again!
PEAK: Paseo Miramar Trail
(Topanga State Park)
SCENERY: Awesome views of the Pacific, greenery, birds
FUN FACT: The word Topanga from the Shoshonean language meaning 'above' and referring to the canyon settlement being above the flood waters of Topanga Creek.
PROFESSOR: Dr. Giorgio Coricelli
DEPARTMENT: Neuroeconomics
Professor Coricelli is one of the few professors at USC cool enough to have his own Wikipedia Page! He is a leader in the field of neuroeconomics research (how your brain processes economic decisions and why they are made). Dr. Coricelli has worked with Nobel-Prize-Winning economists, and is a critical part of the neuroeconomics program at USC! You can check out his faculty page here.
TRIP LEAD: Jack Elliott
Contact Jack:
Read Jack’s bio here.