Kenneth Hahn w/ Stephanie Schwartz {International Relations}
8:00 AM08:00

Kenneth Hahn w/ Stephanie Schwartz {International Relations}

  • Kenneth Hahn Recreation Area (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join us for this public transit accessible day trip to Kenneth Hahn Recreation Area and Baldwin Hills Overlook! We’ll have a scenic walk through campus to the Expo Line to board our train West to the Jefferson / La Cienega stop. A ~3-mile loop around Kenneth Hahn and Baldwin Hills will give us a chance to explore the urban open space and admire the views of Culver City and Hollywood.

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Point Dume (Climbing) w/ Leslie Berntsen and Bryan Shilowich {Psychology}
7:45 AM07:45

Point Dume (Climbing) w/ Leslie Berntsen and Bryan Shilowich {Psychology}

  • 6800 Westward Beach Road Malibu, CA, 90265 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Did you miss our Point Dume trip last semester? Well we’ve got some great new for you! We’re heading back to Malibu with psychology professors Leslie Berntsen and Bryan Shilowich for some more climbing. All of the routes we will be doing are rated 5.9 or below making them very accessible for beginners. Even The Mountain Project’s website writes that, “Everyone's first day of climbing should be at a place like [Point Dume].” All of the pictures above are from our last trip! Joining Peaks will be the honorary Peaks climbing consigliere, Andy Ryu from SC climbing team. Woooo!

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Peaks and ___: Surf Camping at San Onofre
to Feb 26

Peaks and ___: Surf Camping at San Onofre

  • Old Pacific Highway San Clemente, CA, 92672 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Love the ocean? Dig the dirtbag lifestyle? On a mission to check off every beach name-dropped in the 1963 Beach Boys classic Surfin’ USA? This just might be the trip for you! We’re traveling to San Onofre State Beach, longboard capitol of California, for Peaks and Professors’ FIRST EVER surf overnight trip!

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Dawn Mine/Sunset Trail Loop w/ Erin Frey {Business and Organizational Management}
8:00 AM08:00

Dawn Mine/Sunset Trail Loop w/ Erin Frey {Business and Organizational Management}

Join us for a beautiful and interesting hike in the Angeles National Forest! This loop trail will take us through the forest and up to some panoramic views of LA. We will be following a little creek as we go through the canyon and head up to the old Dawn Mine. There is still some equipment by the mine and some old building foundations that we will get to explore before we head up and out to some beautiful views of the city! This hike should be super fun with some really fun terrain changes as we head in and out of the canyon. Come explore with us!

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Josephine Peak w/ Julie Posselt {Education}
7:00 AM07:00

Josephine Peak w/ Julie Posselt {Education}

*NOTE: Due to icy conditions, this trip was changed from Icehouse Canyon to Josephine Peak

Join higher education professor and associate dean of the Graduate School Julie Posselt on an 8-mile out-and-back hike to Josephine Peak. We'll start from the trailhead and hike about 4 miles of incline to reach the peak, which is a perfect spot for lunch and views, before returning 4 miles back down to the trailhead again. It'll be a beautiful, moderate hike!

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